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Learn how we collaborated with the Royal Borough of Kingston and local business and community partners like the Kingston Chamber of Commerce, the New Malden Town Centre Partnership, and IGERS Surrey to help the local town of New Malden increase awareness of local offerings using digital, creative campaigns and placemaking.

2023-02-10T17:34:22+00:00February 10, 2023|News|0 Comments

DigiKind Founder offers SMEs support as a Help to Grow Mentor

We are pleased to share that Kathy Kyle has joined the Help to Grow programme as a voluntary mentor. The Management Course was launched in 2021 to provide small and medium businesses (SMEs) with leadership support. Each participant is matched with a mentor and Enterprise Nation is working with Newable and the Association of Business Mentors to recruit a national network of mentors and experts who will guide participants through a 12-week growth action plan.

2023-01-19T00:43:40+00:00January 19, 2023|Mentoring|0 Comments

Hip Hip Hooray for Collaboration

Nearly every week I chat with incredible business leaders who share their expertise and a gold mine of knowledge on how they have succeeded in their business. They share their wins, their losses, their successes, their failures and how they overcame their obstacles with grace, humour, and every week I am inspired and I know our attendees are, too. They tell me so — it is a joy to facilitate this process of networking, learning and collaboration. I’m also offering Lunch and Learn sessions every month, sometimes twice a month to help businesses upskill, focus on building digital skills, resilience, and sustainability and innovative practices.

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